Describe Kaizen and How it Fits Into Lean Six Sigma

Under God’s blue heaven, there is a myriad of strategies, methodologies, and processes that help in the improvement and development of the overall performance of businesses. One of the most popular but not the most trusted of all is Kaizen.
If this is your first time hearing about Kaizen, don’t fret – you’re not alone. There are a ton of people who are even not sure what Kaizen is and we’re here to help you not just in understanding what Kaizen is, but also discussing how it became one of the most popular in the industry.
What is Kaizen?
Published in 1986, the book Kaizen: The Key to Japan’s Competitive Success has roamed the market for decades – even up until now. Its founder, Masaaki Imai, thought that it is one of the best and the most effective in improving and developing business processes.
The word Kaizen is taken from the word “KAI” which means Change; and “ZEN” which is Good. It may sound confusing but it’s not; and to tell you, the idea of Kaizen is that all the good changes are all for the improvement or the development of one’s self.
Kaizen Principles and Beliefs
Through the principle that it has, which can be summarized by “continuous improvement,” a lot of businesses and organizations grew intrigued in knowing and learning more about it. In fact, here are the principles of Kaizen and its objectives and guidelines as well:
- Speak with data but manage by FACTS
- Work and function as a whole and as a team
- To be able to handle the situation, you need to “see it yourself”
- Good processes and changes mean good results
- Action urgently and immediately and correct all the root causes of problems
- Kaizen is the business of everybody
These beliefs and principles have been the middle of all procedures and processes that have been innovated by Kaizen and they’re still being observed by organizations and businesses even up until today.
Benefits of Kaizen to Your Company
If Kaizen is so important to the extent that it’s lined up with Lean Six Sigma, how can it help and assist a company or an organization? How would you Describe Kaizen and How it Fits Into Lean Six Sigma?
Part of the most common advantages that Kaizen can have for your processes or your procedures include:
Standardization of Processes and Procedures
Considered as a holistic approach, it focuses not on a single point of improvement or development – it tackles everything and its goal is to be able to clear the path so that businesses and organizations will be able to streamline their processes and their procedures easily and seamlessly.
Standardizing your processes and procedures mean that they’re more effective and productive than how it was before; making you more reliable, more trustworthy, and a lot more responsible.
Waste Identification and Reduction
Since it can be considered as a part of Lean Six Sigma, Kaizen can be the tool or the methodology that would help you identify and reduce all types and kinds of waste that your business or your company has.
You wouldn’t be bothered even by the smallest and the least impacting waste because it’ll all be cleared out.
Data Collection Expertise
Kaizen, akin to how Lean Six Sigma works and operates, is a methodology that would require data for it to be functional. Undergoing formal and specific Kaizen training can enable you to be more skilled and adept in the collection and the gathering of data – from the smallest point to the largest.
Being a master in the collection of data can give clients the impression that you are well-versed and are deeply interested in helping and in giving them the assistance that they need.
Continuous Studying and Innovation
With Kaizen, you will never stop growing. The methodology is aimed at helping businesses and organizations with continuous improvement regardless of their current state and position in the market.
No wonder it Fits Perfectly into the Lean Six Sigma Methodology – it’s aimed at comprehensive development and improvement without ever requiring clients to be an expert in business process improvement (BPI).
Kaizen and Lean Six Sigma
Lean Six Sigma is a problem-solving methodology that utilizes data and analytical tendencies to solve and to arrive at a problem’s solution. Since one of its concepts and its goals are to hold a continuous and constant improvement for business, Kaizen would be able to help you with that.
So if we were to Describe Kaizen and How it Fits Lean Six Sigma, it’s basically a needed factor in terms of continuous improvement and development for businesses and organizations. Both methodologies and practices are all for the overall development and enhancement of business procedures and processes and there wouldn’t be a problem with how it’s implemented and integrated into a particular procedure or process.
Long-Term Solutions and Fixes
Should you be on the hunt for a short-term fix to a problem that’s really not being an additive factor to the success of your business or your company, then neither Kaizen nor Lean Six Sigma is the methodologies you can use.
Both these methodologies require time, effort, and patience before they can be experienced at their full effect. Using them to expedite their effects might only cause more damage than healing.
If you are looking to work with a company that you know you can completely bank and lean on, there’s no other company as dedicated and as technical as us here at Lean Six Sigma Curriculum Experts.
Across the entire region, we’re deemed and considered as the go-to option of companies that want to undergo specific and efficient training when it came to Lean Six Sigma and other process improvement strategies and methodologies.
Our experience in the industry made us the most valuable and the most loved company when it came to processing improvement and development. Lean Six Sigma Curriculum Experts never failed in teaching the lessons and the overviews of improvement processes such as Kaizen and Lean Six Sigma.
In case you’re still wondering how Kaizen Fits Into Lean Six Sigma – always remember that Kaizen is a methodology and a concept that is aimed towards continuous improvement; and that’s basically what Lean Six Sigma needs.